Syntax and semantics lineup so far

The syntax teachers at this year’s EGG will be (all for both weeks):

  • James Griffiths (Konstanz)
  • Petra Mišmaš (Nova Gorica)
  • two more TBD

And the semantics teachers:

  • Jeremy Kuhn (CNRS/IJN Paris, 2 weeks)
  • Viola Schmitt (HU Berlin, 1 week)
  • Stephanie Solt (ZAS Berlin, 2 weeks)
  • Marcin Wągiel (Brno/Wrocław, 1 week)
  • one more TBD

Stay tuned for more!

Phono theme & lineup

The phonology bit of the EGG is thematic this year, around Substance-Free Phonology: what is it, how does it work, what are its consequences (e.g. regarding naturality, markedness, arbitrariness), what kind of things are present at birth, what are the different versions of SFP, by which properties are they different?

The following teachers will address these issues:

  1. Silke Hamann (U Amsterdam) – one class in week 2
  2. Alex Chabot (Maryland) – two classes, week 1+2
  3. Veno Volenec (Concordia) – two classes, week 1+2
  4. Pavel Iosad (Edinburgh) – one class, week 1
  5. Ollie Sayeed (Pennsylvania) – one class, week 1

P. Iosad’s class will be online (Pavel can’t make it to Brno), all others in person.

Stay tuned for class titles and abstracts…

Closing party with cocktail contest

We will have a closing party in Gathertown tonight (Thursday) from 19:00.

The cocktail contest is a classic EGG event, for which you come up with a linguistic-related name for your cocktail (some inspiration “Strong uninterpretable seizures”, “Syntax on the Beach”) and prepare it for others to taste. We would then vote for the best cocktail in different categories (the traditional ones are: tastiest, best name, deadliest). This year, it will be all about cocktail names. Prepare yourself one and come enjoy it with others!