Unfortunately Silke Hamann can’t make it to Brno, so I will spring in for her 2nd week class. The title of my class is What substance-free phonology means for substance-free phonology, and the abstract & readings (pdfs provided) are on the classes page. Check it out…
Schedule of classes
Schedule of classes is now available. Check it out here.
James Griffiths on ellipsis
And we have the final abstract for our syntax classes: James Griffiths will be teaching a class on ellipsis!
Petra Mišmaš’ course on cartography
You can now find the course description of Petra Mišmaš’ course on cartography online!
Registration open for EGG 2022 in Brno!
Get registered today or by June 30 July 16 on the following link: https://forms.gle/BwRcDccGiUqwwKcQ6
Check the FAQ – practical information tab for travel and accommodation info.
For questions, contact us at: eggsummerschool@gmail.com
Schedule of classes coming soon!
Hadil Karawani’s abstract is in
Check it out on the classes page.
Marcin Wągiel’s abstract is in
Check it out on the classes page.
Stephanie Solt’s abstract is in
Check it out on the classes page.
Viola Schmitt’s abstract is in
Check it out on the classes page.
Daria Seres’ abstract is in
Check it out on the classes page.