Course certificates

If you need a certificate showing that you’ve attended courses, please:

1. From Wednesday morning onwards, grab ONE printed copy of the certificate in the Syntax room and fill out your full name and courses attended.
2. Drop the filled out form into a box in the Syntax room and collect it signed by the organizers on the following day or on Friday.
2′. If you are leaving earlier than Friday, come talk to András, Berit or Tobias.

Links for the LaTeX workshop

We’ll show Overleaf but you can also use your local LaTeX installation, if you have one.

Simple LaTeX file:

Bibliographies and localisation:

Examples and glossing:

Slides: and the corresponding …



A pdf file with some useful remarks/links (with special attention to formal semantics)

Corpus linguistics workshop: Tuesday

In week 2 we continue with additional shorter events in the 5th time slot of the day (17:00-18:15). Some have already been posted on this page, and we are also adding a corpus linguistics workshop. So here is the programme for now:

  • Monday: LaTeX workshop (with András and Berit)
  • Tuesday: Corpus linguistics workshop (with Esra)
  • Wednesday …: Open podium