School approaches… see you all at the opening meeting on Monday 9:00 am in room 7.
The schedule is now online. Check it out.
Cancellation before July 1
If unfortunately you won’t be able to make it to the school, make sure to cancel before July 1. After that day, you’re participation is binding. Not showing up without a timely cancellation may have consequences for participation at future egg schools.
Cancelation and reserve list
Registration is now closed. Almost 170 eggs in the basket. We set up a cancellation site here in case you can’t make it (but as Marten put it: ‘Why would you?’), and there is also a reserve list, in case you regret not having registered yet. It’s here. We’ll do our best to accommodate everybody on this list, but we can’t promise anything.
course descriptions Kulikov
Course descriptions and readings for the two classes by Vladimir Kulikov are in, check the classes tab.
About suggested readings (for all classes): we try to make them all available for download, and some actually already are. We are working on the others…
local org’s webpage: travel, visa etc.
Here’s the page set up by our local org Marija Runic and her team, containing practical information: travel, visa etc. Thanks Marija!
There’s also a tab linking to that.
Registration deadline + course descriptions
The registration deadline has been extended to June 10. Grab your chance to register before then!
Course titles are dropping in …
List with registered people so far
The list of registrees as of yesterday is online at:…/registered+parti…/564374.html
But we still have place for more poeple! Tell your friends! Bring your relatives! Make Linguistics EGGy again (quote: Marten Stelling)!
If you do not see yourself represented, register again. There will be a disconfirmation period later if you can’t make it after all. If there are any problems or questions, contact the organizers, Tobias Scheer or Hedde Zeijlstra.
first phono course description in
phon-morph classes
The six phon-morph classes taught by Nicola Lampitelli, Patrick Honeybone and Vladimir Kulikov are now settled. There is a disbalance between week 1 and week 2, five of the six classes being taught in week one. Here’s the list:
Intro track
1. Lampitelli – Intro to Interface theories (phonology – morpho-syntax) (week 1)
2. Honeybone – Intro to Historical Phonology (week 1)
3. Intro to experimentally-based phonological evidence (week 2)
Thematic classes
1. Lampitelli – Phonological decomposition of inflectional markers: pardigms vs. allomorphy (week 1)
2. Honeybone – Does word frequency affect phonology? Reasons to be cautious (weel 1)
3. Voicing assimilation and its relevance for the Dresher-Reiss debate on the role (or existence) of contrast in phonology (week 1)
Abstracts are following… stay tuned.