If you want to share a room with somebody or plan to arrive a day earlier (on Saturday July 27) or leave a day later (Sunday August 11) send an emial to Krzysztof Migdalski (krzysz75 @ yahoo.com) by July 3.
Practical info
A lot of practical information has been added to the site. Check it out here!
Ulfsbjorninn’s abstracts are in
Check out the classes tab.
More info coming soon
We’ll soon add more information regarding traveling, lodging, ant other practicalities. For questions, just contact me at zeijlstra AT yahoo DOT com.
Registered people
A list of all registered participants can be found here. Please contact me (zeijlstra AT yahoo DOT com) if something is incorrect.
Registration closed – waiting list open
Registration is closed now. 120 nice eggs in the basket. The waiting list is open now (use the same link); sign up if you want to be on it. If we have a dorm bed left over, we’ll give it to you on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Registration closes Sunday at noon
You can still register in the weekend! Registration will close on Sunday, June 2, at noon (12:00). So grab your chance …
readings for Odden’s classes
David Odden has set up a page for his classes where he will make relevant readings available. There is also additional information about the classes, updated over time. There are two tabs under the EGG heading. The guiding text for his intro class is already there…
Christian Uffmann’s abstracts in
Have a look at the classes tab. All about features.
Syn-sem abstracts dropping in
All syntax and semantics titles are now online, and most abstracts too. Check it out, and let’s face it: this is exciting 🙂