Syntax teachers line-up

Exciting news! Here is our first round of teachers for EGG 2020 in Novi Sad. This is the syntax team, which will consist of: András Bárány, Theresa Biberauer, Zorica Puškar-Gallien and Adrian Stegovec. Welcome on board, guys! Stay tuned for information about our other teachers in the coming days and weeks.

EGG 2020 in Novi Sad

EGG is waking up from hibernation… This year the school will be held in the lovely city of Novi Sad / Serbia. We move a week forth wrt the traditional schedule (in order not to overlap with the CreteLing), thus going from August 3rd to August 14th. Keep an eye on the blog, the FAQ for Novi Sad (practical information) is coming soon, and also teachers and classes will be coming in.

KARAOKE night on Wednesday!

Dear EGGers, the karaoke night starts at 8 pm on Wednesday in Fuga Mundi pub (Pl. Grunwaldzki 12-14), which is a 10 min walk from the dorm. To have the whole place for us, we had to pay the club, so when you arrive, find me, Sandhya or Tom to chip in 20 zloty. See ya all there!

Open podium presentations

The good news is, a LOT of you are interested in presenting at the Open Podium! But this also means we have to reduce the time for individual presentations to fit all of them.
Solution: Lightning talks! 5 min talk + 5 min questions. This is similar to what many conferences (e.g. GLOW, SALT) do nowadays.

Prepare max. 1-2 slides of the core proposal of your talk and email them as a PDF to Petra (petracharvat AT gmail DOT com) *by 10.00am on Tuesday*. Presentations will be on Tue and Wed.


LaTeX intro on Monday 17.15

In response to popular demand, there will be an introduction to LaTeX by Tom McFadden and Karlos Arregi, tomorrow during the Open Podium slot, i.e. from 17.15 to 18.30, in the Syntax room (208). Everyone is welcome, no matter how much you already know or don’t know about LaTeX. We’re going to try to make it as hands on as possible, so if you have a laptop, bring it, and if you don’t, don’t worry, it’ll still be worthwhile!

Weekend activities

SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER (organized by Radek Iwankiewicz)
When: tonight at 10 P.M. 
Where: 1) the meeting point is in front of McDonald’s in the Main Square (Rynek) 
2) we’re heading to SZAJBA (club/pub with no entrance fee)

The local organizers have planned a city tour including a riverboat cruise on Satuday (starting at 1 P.M. in front of the EGG classes venue) and a trip to a nearby castle on Sunday. Check the details below.