Registration open for online EGG 2021!

Registration is now open and there is no fee. Click on the following link to register and use the email you will use when attending online: Please register by July 15th – so that we can plan with how many attendees we should count. When you register, you will see a confirmation screen (no email will be sent). For questions, contact us at:

EGG 2021 (online!)

Hi all,

this year EGG will take place July 26–August 6 and it will be an online school. We decided to go online because the travelling conditions and many local organizational aspects this summer are uncertain and an overwhelming majority of you prefers the online version according to our poll. The schedule of the courses together with their descriptions will be published soon and the registration will open June 15.

Keep an eye on the website as course abstracts drop in, and stay tuned!

Open EGG meeting

Dear all,

in March, the EGG ran a poll mainly regarding the choice to be made between a 2021 virtual or in-person school. Based on the results and the current pandemic conditions, we have decided to have a virtual venue for the EGG this year.

We would like to give the opportunity to everybody to exchange on this and related issues on Friday April 30th at 3 pm CET (Novi Sad/Berlin/Paris etc. time) in this room:

See you there!

Survey about EGG 2021

Dear all, after skipping last year’s EGG because of the pandemic, we decided to avoid two years without an EGG, so we’ll make it happen this year, come what may.

We’re still considering the option of holding an EGG in person, as usual, but obviously there are many factors we cannot plan for. If that doesn’t work out, we’ll host a virtual EGG this year and we’ll try to make the experience as close to the real thing as possible, so there’ll be classes (of course), open podium nights, and online social events so you can hang out with your fellow students and the teachers.

We’d like to ask you for your thoughts on how the EGG could work best for you — please fill out the questionnaire by 31 March to help us plan. Also, we’ll organise a zoom Q&A in the beginning of April to answer any remaining questions you might have.

Stay safe and healthy!

Committee changes

Hello all!

The EGG committee has changed a little over the past year! First, Marketa has left the phonology team last year and in her stead, Gienek Cyran has joined us. Gienek is a phonologist in Lublin and an EGG veteran.

Also, Sandhya Sundaresan is leaving the EGG committee — our new member following her is Berit Gehrke, a semanticist working in Berlin, whom many of you will also know as an EGG teacher.

Last but definitely not least, Petra Charvátová has joined us to help with organising the schools, something that you will have seen her do very well in recent years already.

I want to thank both Marketa and Sandhya for their work in organising EGG schools over many years and welcome our new members.

As for the EGG school in 2021, there’ll be more soon… so stay tuned!