Labels in syntax (Advanced)
This class, which is meant as an advanced class presupposing some acquanitage with syntactic theorizing, reflects on the role of labels in recent syntactic theory.
- From X-bar theory to the labeling algorithms.
- The Unification of Move and Merge and its consequences
- The probing algorithm and relativization
- The problem of specifiers : no labels after all ?
- A reformulation of successive cyclic movement
Selected references
Chomsky N. 1995. The Minimalist Program. The MIT Press.
Chomsky, N. 2013. Problems of projection. Lingua18: 1-35.
Adger D. 2013. A syntax of substance. MIT Pres.
Bhatt, R. 20002. The Raising analysis of relative clauses : evidence from adjectival modification. Natural language semantics10 : 43-90.
Boecks, C. 2008. Bare Syntax, Oxford : Oxford University Press. Chapter 3.
Citko 2008. Missing labels : head movment as projct both. IN CB Chang and H.J. Haynie (eds). Proceeeding of WCFL 26I : pp. 121-128.
Collins C. 2002. Eliminating labels. In Epstein and Deeley (eds). Derivation and explanation in the Minimalist Program42-64. Oxford : Blackwell.
Donati C and C. Cecchetto. 2011. Relabeling heads : a unified account of relativization structures. Linguistic Inquiry42 : 519-560.
Cecchetto C and C. Donati. 2015. (Re)labeling. The MIT press.
Lahne, A. 2008. Where There is Fire There is Smoke. Local Modelling of Successive-Cyclic Movement Ph. D. Dissertation. Leipzig
Zeijlstra, H. 2017. Labeling: Reinstalling Projection by selection. Selectionfest. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin.