The morphophonology of passives and the architecture of grammar

Instructor: Sławomir Zdziebko

The course is preoccupied with how the morpho-syntactic and semantic properties of passive participles interact with and influence their morphophonological behaviour.

Passives have been at the centre of the debate between the advocates of the claim that the lexicon is a derivational device (see Wasow 1977, Cetnarowska 2000, Horvath and Siloni 2008) and the proponents of a theory of grammar in which the lexicon is exclusively a list- like device responsible for the storage of features and relations between them (see Embick 2004, Bruening 2014).

In this course we will have a detailed look at the arguments employed by both sides of the debate.

Another aim will be to investigate which syntactic and semantic properties of passives may actually influence their morphophonology. The vast literature on passive participles typically focuses on German and English, and recognizes the classes of verbal and adjectival passives, target and resultant state passives and resultative and stative passives (see Wasow 1977, Kratzer 2000, Embick 2004, Emonds 2006, Gese et al. 2011, McIntyre 2013, 2015; Alexiadou et al. 2014, Bruening 2014, Gehrke 2015 among others). Additionally, languages such as Polish clearly distinguish between passives based on intransitive (unaccusative verbs) and transitive verbs.

The question which we will address is which of those lines of division are reflected in the morphophonology of passives. Can they all morphologized? In not, why? If, yes, are they all reflected in morphophonology in the same way?

Suggested readings:

Alexiadou, Artemis, Berit Gehrke and Florian Schäfer. 2014. The argument structure of adjectival participles revisited. Lingua 149: 118-138.

Anagnostopoulou, Elena. 2003. Participles and voice. In Perfect explorations, eds. Artemis Alexiadou, Monika Rathert, and Arnim von Stechow, 1-36. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Bruening, Benjamin. 2014. Word formation is syntactic: adjectival passives in English. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 32: 363-422.

Cetnarowska, Bożena. 2000. Resultative adjectives in Polish. Acta Linguistics Hungarica, 47: 47-79.

Embick, David 2004. On the structure of resultative participles in English. Linguistic Inquiry 35(3): 355-392.

Emonds, Joseph E. 2006. Adjectival passives. In The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, eds. Martin Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk, Vol. 1, 16–60. Oxford: Blackwell.

Gehrke, Berit. 2015. Adjectival participles, event kind modification and pseudo- incorporation. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33 897–938.

Gese, Helga, Claudia Maienborn, and Britta Stolterfoht. 2011. Adjectival conversion of unaccusatives in German. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 23(2): 101-140.

Horvath, Julia, and Tal Siloni. 2008. Active lexicon: Adjectival and verbal passives. In Current issues in generative Hebrew linguistics, eds. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, and Susan Rothstein, 105-134. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Kratzer, Angelika. 2000. Building statives. In Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. Lisa J. Conathan, Jeff Good, Darya Kavitskaya, Alyssa B.Wulf, and Alan C. L. Yu, 385–399. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley Linguistics Society.

McIntyre, Andrew. 2013. Adjectival passives and adjectival participles in English. In Alexiadou, Artemis and Florian Schaefer, eds. Non-canonical Passives. 21-41. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

McIntyre, Andrew. 2015. Event modifiers in (German) adjectival participles: Remarks on Gehrke. Natural Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33, 939-953.

Schoorlemmer, Maaike 1995. Participial Passive and Aspect in Russian. PhD dissertation, Wasow, Thomas. 1977. Transformations and the lexicon. In Formal syntax, eds. Peter Culicover, Adrian Akmajian, and Thomas Wasow, 327-360. New York: Academic
