For the time being we pretend there is no Corona anywhere, everybody will be able to come to Novi Sad and the dorms will be working. We may be wrong of course, but only time will tell. What is for sure is that if we don’t get prepared now there will be no school even if the world is Corona-clean in August. So stay tuned…
Author Archives: Tobias Scheer
two more phon teachers
Marijn van ‘t Veer from U Amsterdam and Chris Golston from California State U at Fresno will be on the phonology team.
Stay tuned for course titles and abstracts…
first phonology teacher
Elan Dresher from Toronto will be on the phonology team. More to come…
EGG 2020 in Novi Sad
EGG is waking up from hibernation… This year the school will be held in the lovely city of Novi Sad / Serbia. We move a week forth wrt the traditional schedule (in order not to overlap with the CreteLing), thus going from August 3rd to August 14th. Keep an eye on the blog, the FAQ for Novi Sad (practical information) is coming soon, and also teachers and classes will be coming in.
Ulfsbjorninn’s abstracts are in
Check out the classes tab.
readings for Odden’s classes
David Odden has set up a page for his classes where he will make relevant readings available. There is also additional information about the classes, updated over time. There are two tabs under the EGG heading. The guiding text for his intro class is already there…
Christian Uffmann’s abstracts in
Have a look at the classes tab. All about features.
Dave Odden’s abstracts in
have a look at the classes tab.
phono eggs are early birds
Here are three phono teachers for Wroclaw: Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (Deusto Bilbao), Christian Uffmann (Düsseldorf) and David Odden (Ohio).
Class titles and abstracts to come.
more Dresher-Reiss
In Vladimir Kulikov’s class last week there was a match between team Dresher and team Reiss about whether contrast does (Dresher) or does not (Reiss) impact phonological computation.
We are enough to feel like we want to continue the debate, and that will be tomorrow (Tuesday) in the middle afternoon slot (3:00-4:15) in a room on floor 1.
We will discuss a response that E. Dresher has sent over the week-end, addressing the issues that were discussed in the previous class.