EGG 2023 in Novi Sad

This year EGG is coming to Novi Sad in Serbia. Save the usual dates, last week in July and first week in August, 24 July – 4 August. The registration fee (which includes accommodation) will be 210 / 250 EUR.

You can look forward to the following teachers:

  • Aron Hirsch (ZAS Berlin)
  • Beáta Gyuris (Budapest)
  • Florian Breit (Bangor)
  • Geoff Schwartz (U Poznan)
  • Irina Burukina (Budapest)
  • Marcin Wagiel (Wrocław/Brno)  
  • Marko Simonović (Graz)
  • Moreno Mitrović (HU Berlin)
  • Neda Todorović (Toronto)
  • Nino Grillo (York)
  • Olga Borik (UNED)
  • Paula Fenger (Leipzig)
  • Željko Bošković (UConn)

Stay tuned for more!

Course certificates

If you need a certificate showing that you’ve attended courses, please:

1. From Wednesday morning onwards, grab ONE printed copy of the certificate in the Syntax room and fill out your full name and courses attended.
2. Drop the filled out form into a box in the Syntax room and collect it signed by the organizers on the following day or on Friday.
2′. If you are leaving earlier than Friday, come talk to András, Berit or Tobias.

Open podium call and LaTeX intro

Hi all, as announced at the welcome meeting, in week 2 after the scheduled classes, we will have some more events. On Monday, 1 August, at 5pm there will be a LaTeX introduction workshop. From Tuesday onwards we will have the Open podium where you can present some of your work (work in progress or a finished paper), discuss it with your peers, ask for suggestions in the form of short talks (10-15 min talk + 5 min questions/feedback). It will all be very informal and time permitting we’ll in principle include everybody (on a first-come-first-served basis).

If you want to present, send an email with subject line Open podium including a title of your talk, your name, affiliation and a short abstract to <>. The deadline is Saturday, July 30 at midnight, and a schedule will be announced by Monday. Presentations to take place in week 2 after classes in the Syntax room on Tuesday and/or Wednesday depending on how many of you want to present.

If you would like to take part in organizing of the Open podium, talk to Petra, András or Berit, or let us know on the eggmail.  

Opening meeting and welcome party

On Monday, 25 July we are starting at 9:15 with an Opening meeting in the Syntax room (Building B, B 2.23) and the classes begin at 9:30. If you would like to walk from the dorm to the venue, we will set off from A3 dorm building at 8:30 am. 

The Opening party on Monday night will be at Sborovna pub (address – Botanická 590/1), we have a reservation 7pm-10pm.