For Friday evening we have booked this place close to the dorm, for the farewell party, starting at 7:
The place does not serve meals (apart from some snacks) so it would be best if you ate something before.
For Friday evening we have booked this place close to the dorm, for the farewell party, starting at 7:
The place does not serve meals (apart from some snacks) so it would be best if you ate something before.
In week 2 we continue with additional shorter events in the 5th time slot of the day (17:00-18:15). Some have already been posted on this page, and we are also adding a corpus linguistics workshop. So here is the programme for now:
Varvara Magomedova: Introduction to statistics for linguistic experiments
In this workshop we will briefly discuss following questions:
We will work in R environment with ready code, thoroughly commented, no prior knowledge of programming or math required.
We added one more syntax class by Natalia Slioussar in week 1 (last time slot). Check out the class description and the updated schedule.
Check it out on the classes page.
Check it out on the classes page.
Check it out on the classes page.
Check it out on the classes page.
Check it out on the classes page.
Our semantics team is complete: Daria Seres will teach a topic seminar in one of the weeks.
We also have a first title & abstract for one of the semantics courses: Jeremy Kuhn will teach a topic seminar on Sign Language Semantics. Check it out on the classes page.