Semantics course topics (descriptions soon to come)

  • Ede Zimmermann: Intro to semantics (week 1)
  • Ekaterina Vostrikova
    – Exceptive constructions (week 1)
    – Intro to semantics (week 2)
  • Madeleine Butschety
    – Topics at the syntax/semantics interface
    – Additives and comitatives
  • Deniz Özyıldız
    – Meaning and intonation
    – Event semantics
  • Todd Snider: The semantics of anaphora (week 2)

Semantics line-up for 2024

The complete list of semantics teachers for this year is:

  • Madeleine Butschety (Nova Gorica)
  • Deniz Özyıldız (Konstanz)
  • Todd Snider (Tübingen)
  • Ekaterina Vostrikova (Göttingen)
  • Ede Zimmermann (Frankfurt) (week 1)