Instructor: Guillaume Enguehard
Phonology has two dimensions: a paradigmatic dimension and a syntagmatic dimension. Distinctive features can be revealed with an operation handling units in the paradigmatic dimension: commutation (e.g. English dog ~ bog). The equivalent within the syntagmatic dimension is permutation (e.g. English dog ~ god). Permutation highlights that phonological contrasts are not exclusive to features: they can also be endorsed by the linearization of these in connected speech. This course aims to introduce the syntagmatic aspects of phonology through the notion of phonological space. We will see to what extent this notion has an impact on: i. the representation of distinctive features, ii. the formalization of syllabic processes, and iii. our understanding of non-linear morphology.
The topics covered in this course are:
– autosegmental phonology – privative features
– lateral relations
– non-linear morphology
Selected references:
Kaye, J., Lowenstamm, J. & Vergnaud, J.-R. 1985. The internal structure of phonological representations: a theory of charm and government. Phonology Yearbook 2, pp. 305–328. Kaye, J., Lowenstamm, J. & Vergnaud, J.-R. 1990. Constituent Structure and Government in Phonology. Phonology 7, pp. 193–231.
Lowenstamm, J. 1996. CV as the Only Syllable Type. In: Durand, J. & Laks, B. (eds.), Current Trends in Phonology Models and Methods. University of Salford: European Studies Research Institute, pp. 419–442.
Scheer, T. 2004. A Lateral Theory of Phonology. Vol 1: What is CVCV, and Why Should it Be? Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.