Vera Hohaus & Wataru Uegaki – Introduction to semantics

This unit is an introduction to formal semantics. We will introduce some conceptual and formal foundations and then go on to build a basic model of meaning composition, using situations. Some of the phenomena discussed in the unit include the interpretation of determiners, negative polarity items as well as modification and ambiguity. No background required, but feel free to get in touch if you wonder if this course is suitable for you.

Slides for both weeks

Open podium call

Dear EGGers, as announced, we will have an Open podium where you can present some of your work (work in progress or a finished paper), discuss it with your peers, ask for suggestions in the form of Lightning talks (5 min talk + 5 min questions/feedback). It will all be very informal and time permitting we’ll in principle include everybody (on a first-come-first-served basis).

If you want to present, send an email with subject line Open podium including a title of your talk, your name, affiliation and a short abstract to Deadline is Friday midnight, and a schedule will be announced by Monday. Presentations are to take place in week 2 on Tuesday and/or Wednesday after classes.

organized by Julia Cataldo, Lucas Cruz and Wiebke Petersen

Practical information – here we go

Here is how online-EGG will work from Monday on (info goes public late, sorry about that):

The kick-off meeting is on Monday, 26 July, at 10:30 CEST (Passcode: 448649). In this meeting, we’ll welcome you all to the summer school and walk you through the infrastructure we’ve set up. There are over 400 people registered… that’s a whole lot and an effect of the virtual venue. We are curious to see how many will actually be online at a given point in time.

Here is the schedule.

Zoom links for classes were sent to the email you registered with.

In Week 2, we’ll also have an Open Podium, an EGG favourite, where students can present some of their work (work in progress or a finished paper), discuss it with  peers and ask for suggestions in the form of Lightning talks! (5 min talk + 5 min questions). 

Class material is available on the “Classes” tab of this site.

Communication outside of classes: we’ve set up a space on GatherTown (password: “Rename Resonant” without quotes), where you can interact (chat and videochat) with other EGGers.

In addition, we set up a space on Matrix (to go you need to sign up), a communication platform similar to Slack and Discord. This space will remain available after the school is over and thus will be available as a platform for attendees and teachers.

pratical information soon here

We are currently fine-tuning the tech for the Egg, the information about the items below will be available here by Friday latest:

  • zoom, gathertown, matrix
  • kick-off meeting Monday July 26th before the first class
  • zoom links for classes
  • certificates