The last course abstract for EGG 2015 in Brno, for Susi Wurmbrand’s syntax course, is now up, and can be viewed here. All course abstracts can now be viewed on the usual Teachers and Classes page.
Last chance to register is today — don’t miss it!
The last course abstract for EGG 2015 in Brno, for Susi Wurmbrand’s syntax course, is now up, and can be viewed here. All course abstracts can now be viewed on the usual Teachers and Classes page.
Last chance to register is today — don’t miss it!
Dear all, just to make sure: this is the registration period, followed by a confirmation period. After the confirmation period all registrations are definite, not before. We do not have a strict selection procedure, but we need to ensure that all students fits in the dorm and that people are serious (‘I would like to learn English and I love Hungary’ is not a good motivation to attend Brno15). If the numbers are too high, we have to select on the basis of your motivations. After the confirmation period ( mid June) your registration is definite and you can safely buy your tickets.
Hi everyone, Registration for the 2015 EGG school in Brno, Czech Republic, is now live. Please click here to register online (and for details on the registration process and school fees):
Registration closes on: May 31, 2015
Dates for the Brno EGG School again: July 27 – August 7, 2015
Hope to see many of you there!
Hi guys, a variation theme of sorts seems to be emerging in some of our upcoming EGG courses. We have two new abstracts on variation of different kinds: a morpho-syntax course on intra-individual variation (taught by Jeff Parrott) and a semantics one on semantic change (a much under-researched topic!) taught by Rob Truswell. Both look very exciting, and can be viewed at the Teachers and Classes webpage on this site.
Things are heating up — watch this space for more!
Registration will start in the second half of May, and we will run the usual two rounds: first you register and provide a short self-description, then in June you confirm that you really will be in Brno. If you confirm and don’t come, you’ll be a rotten egg, and these don’t smell good.
Abstracts and titles for the first couple of syntax courses — a 2 week introductory course and a 2 week advanced topical course (both by Tom McFadden & Sandhya Sundaresan) are now up on the Teachers and Classes page.
Stay tuned for more in the coming days!!
The Teachers & Classes page is now active, and the first two course descriptions (Phillip Backley’s) are on. Take a look, the others will drop in…
…And registration will open soon, keep an eye on this page.